Zeleke Gessese
One love, one heart, one destiny.
About Zeleke

As Ethiopia experienced political turmoil and the country Engulfed in civil war Zeleke traveled as a refugee in the early 80s with his brother and friends to the United States to pursue his music and college education. In the US, they created one of the most successful music partnerships with Ziggy Marley and the melody makers; whose father bob Marley had a deep affinity for Ethiopia as well as Africa. Zeleke and his band dallol were signed to Bob Marley’s tuff gong records and released few singles in Jamaica and the hit album land of the genesis distributed worldwide. Produced by Mrs. Rita Marley and Dallol band.
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Best Album
Come To Me
Come To Me
1. Come On Down
2. Don't Let Me Down
3. I Don't Want To Lose You
4. Shivering Me
5. Ahun Ahun
6. Slippin' Into Darkness
6. Universal Children
8. Kotumae
9. Ethio Melody
10. Inner City Blues
11. Biyiko
12. Ashkaroo
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